FLARE Focus Current Issue

Click HERE to Read Volume 3, Number 1

CT 57-899

June 2024 Volume 3, Number 1


FLARE Focus Submission Guidelines

FLARE members are invited to submit non-partisan essays of 600-800 words words that speak to general or specific topics of interest related to American first ladies. Each column will then be archived under the Research and Education tab on the website. FLARE Focus cuts across professional backgrounds to reflect the expertise of FLARE members on topics that support the organization’s mission to highlight the contributions, lives, impacts, and lasting legacies of U.S. First Ladies. Essays will be research-based, but written in a lively, interesting and informative style aimed at educating FLARE members and the public on relevant topics. Send your submission and correspondence to Editor Elizabeth J. Natalle at ejnatall@uncg.edu

Submission Criteria:

  • Submissions accepted from FLARE members only.
  • Authors may submit one essay at a time.
  • Essays must not have been previously published.
  • Essays must be 600-800 words, including endnotes, and submitted electronically in Microsoft Word to the editor. Adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • All essays must have at least one link to a research-based source where a reader can go for further information on the topic. Substantive claims in the content must have links to sources.
  • Any photographs must be in the public domain and kept to a minimum.
  • Essays should reflect the expertise of the writer and the topic must reflect the FLARE mission.
  • Essays may not promote a particular political party bias in keeping with FLARE’s nonpartisan standing.
  • Essays should be written for a general audience and reflect a style that indicates an educated interest level that is jargon-free.
  • All essays will undergo peer review. Remove personal references or forms of identification in the essay itself.


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