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Why Are Ransomware Attacks Against OT Increasing?

The State of Security

Most discussions around cybersecurity understandably focus on information technology (IT). Assets like cloud services and data centers are typically what companies spend the most time and effort securing. Recently, though, operational technology (OT) has come under increasing scrutiny from leading security experts in both the private and public sectors.

In June, for instance, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a fact sheet about ransomware attacks on OT. The publication references a growing trend of ransomware targeting these systems. Attacks on OT, especially critical infrastructure, are certainly concerning, but it may not be immediately clear why they’re growing.

Here’s a closer look at ransomware attacks on OT, what drives them, and how companies can prevent them going forward.

A Growing Attack Surface

Traditionally, OT hasn’t been a major cybersecurity concern because these machines operated independently of other systems or featured no digital entry points. As the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has grown, however, this is no longer the case. Everything from manufacturing robotics to logistics networks to power grids now features IoT connectivity, increasing potential attack surfaces.


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