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Oahu public transportation targeted in cyber attack


HONOLULU (KHON2) — City officials are still working to restore TheBus and TheHandi-Van websites after they went down on Saturday, June 15.

Authorities confirmed on Tuesday, June 18 that a cyber breach was the cause of the outage.

The director of the Honolulu Transportation Services Department said TheBus and TheHandi-Van service was back to normal by Saturday afternoon, but some digital connections that were cut to avoid user and system data leaks remain severed.

“Including system connections to the city system, including connections to our, our contractors that provide our HOLO service,” Morton said.

The DTS said residents who use credit cards to load HOLO cards should not be concerned.

“The only traffic that we have is one-way traffic from the busses to the servers. And that was, that, that was intentionally pulled,” Morton said.


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