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How the World Does Digital: Business Models and Innovation Drive Consumer Engagement


Let’s start this article with a pop quiz.

Name the country that had the highest digital engagement in 2023. You get to pick from a list of 11 countries that includes the U.S.; the U.K.; Australia; the five largest EU economies, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands; two Asia Pacific countries, Japan and Singapore; and one Latin American country, Brazil.

Now, unless you guessed Brazil, you’d be wrong. Yes, Brazil. It’s the only developing economy on that list. But it’s just one of the many surprising insights from “How The World Does Digital,” a landmark study of the digital behaviors of 67,000 consumers in those 11 countries representing 817 million people and roughly half of the global GDP. The study was conducted quarterly in 2023 by PYMNTS Intelligence and released on June 24.


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