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Scammers Try to Crash the Gates for Summer’s Hottest Events


Stadiums and venues across the globe are filling up this summer.

From the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris to Taylor Swift’s ongoing and record-breaking Eras tour and beyond, there is, quite simply, a lot to do and see for the world’s consumers.

But as events attract millions of would-go attendees, scammers are capitalizing on the heightened demand — and they are using new, sophisticated tools to do so.

“One big trend we are seeing right now is the integration of artificial intelligence for bad and the use of deepfakes,” Carolyn Homberger, president of the Americas for Featurespace, told PYMNTS.

In a new era where digital tickets have replaced traditional paper ones, creating new opportunities for fraud, these deepfakes can trick consumers and sellers alike, making it harder to distinguish between genuine and fake tickets.

“Historically, with scalping, you’d just get a fake piece of paper,” Homberger said. “But with the ticketing landscape becoming so digitized, the online and eCommerce experience is now front and center in ticketing scams.”


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