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SCOTUS - Justice Kavanaugh?

Will SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh Treat Employers Well? The Magic 8-Ball Says: “You May Rely On It”

Source: Fisher Phillips Legal Alert, July 10, 2018

On July 10th, President Trump selected Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) bench. Assuming he is confirmed by the Senate, Justice Kavanaugh would solidify the pro-business bloc of Justices on the Court, seemingly creating an impenetrable five-Justice majority of conservative jurists. The question on the mind of employers: how would Justice Kavanaugh treat workplace law cases that come before the Supreme Court? To answer that question, we once again turn to the Magic 8-Ball.

We first used the Magic 8-Ball in 2006, examining the future of the Court when Justice Samuel Alito was appointed; we did the same for Justice Sonia Sotomayor in 2009, Justice Elena Kagan in 2010, and Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017. We now ask the same question of the Magic 8-Ball that we asked of previous appointees: if confirmed, will Justice Kavanaugh be kind to employers? The answer: “You May Rely On It.”

Will Judge Kavanaugh Be Confirmed By The Senate? 
Magic 8- Ball Says: “Reply Hazy, Try Again”

Before we examine the impact that Judge Kavanaugh would have on the SCOTUS, we need to examine whether he will even make it to the bench. That’s because the confirmation process for Judge Kavanaugh promises to be a knock-down, drag-out battle between Senate Democrats and Republicans.

Read the full article for Magic 8-Ball answers.

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