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Graphic Media Alliance (GMA) has launched a new initiative for 2024 called GMAENERGY(+), designed to expand our existing energy savings program. This initiative includes a variety of services such as gas and electric procurement, demand response, and green energy solutions. GMAENERGY(+) aims to provide tailored solutions specific to each region, focusing not only on cost reduction but also on generating new revenue opportunities. The program reflects GMA's commitment to innovation and adaptability in the evolving energy landscape.

The gas and electric procurement services, powered by TogetherSolve, use a data-driven approach to optimize rates through careful selection of suppliers and contract terms. The process involves reviewing energy invoices and supplier agreements, analyzing market trends and regulatory environments, and utilizing e-procurement platforms to streamline the bidding process. Case studies have demonstrated significant cost savings for clients, with some achieving reductions of up to 43% over two years.

The demand response and synchronized reserve programs offer financial incentives for energy users to adjust their electricity usage in response to grid signals. This helps support a more reliable and sustainable energy grid while providing savings on electricity bills through demand charge avoidance.

Additionally, the green energy solutions focus on reducing overall energy usage and costs through measures such as clean energy solutions and lighting retrofits.


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