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Embracing Risk Management Leadership in the New Year

Source: Federated Insurance, December 17, 2024

In today's business environment, effective risk management can help take your team to the next level of success and safety. Consider the following to lead by example and empower your team:

Leadership Responsibilities

Risk management leadership starts at the top. As a leader, you can begin by hosting regular training sessions on safety subjects that apply to your industry. Effective leadership can involve investing time and resources in:

In addition, providing training, education, tools, and incentives can encourage employees to take ownership of risk management practices. 

Lead from the Top Down

Setting the tone from the top is critical for fostering a risk-aware culture. Executives should model behavior they wish to see, such as adherence to policies, participation in training, open communication, and prioritizing safety. 

Proactive Planning

It can help to adopt a proactive approach to risk management by anticipating potential hazards and implementing preventative measures. This can involve:

Everyone is a Risk Manager

Every employee, from executives to new hires, plays a pivotal role at your business. Encourage all team members to consider themselves risk managers to help keep your business safe. 

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