Complete Story


GSACEP Presidential Address

MAJ Laura Tilley, MD

Hello Team GS ACEP!

I hope everyone is doing well! I just wanted to highlight several amazing projects our members have been busy working on over this past year!
First, get excited for an in-person symposium. Registration is now open for GSS in Orlando, Florida 8-10 April 2022. We have some great lectures and hands-on labs, so dust off your airport luggage, reset your frequent flyer passwords, and come on down to sunny and warm Florida. I am looking forward to seeing you all in-person. It has been way too long. Register here.
Next, I want to highlight our new Tradewing application! Tradewing is our new, user-friendly social community that allows GSACEP members to connect. It was a big lift to get this platform off of the ground, but I really think it will help with member engagement and communication. Create your account here
People frequently ask how they can get involved in GSACEP. Our board has been working hard at defining various ways you can get involved with differing levels of commitment. Options range from joining a committee, attending a residency virtual hangout session, or simply engaging on Tradewing with members of our organization. If you are interested in learning more about how to get involved, please reach out to Liz!
It continues to be an honor to serve you all as President of this Chapter. As always, if there is anything you need, please reach out!
Hope to see many of you in Florida in April!

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