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PR and Advocacy Committee Updates

MAJ Justine Stremick, MD

The GSACEP Public Relations and Advocacy Committee was created one year ago in order to address the needs of the membership. Our work is based on the GSACEP Strategic plan and has focused on two main strategic goals.

First, we are working to ensure a highly connected and engaged membership, leading to higher recruitment and retention. Most of our efforts this past year have gone toward improving our communication avenues, enabling our geographically diverse membership to communicate better across the world. In our inaugural year we were able to launch our members only online discussion forum, which functions as a messaging board, mentoring hub and a repository for important information and documents. The forum can also be used for hosting video conferences and virtual lectures. In addition to our online forum, we revamped the GSACEP website and continue to put out content through our quarterly Epic newsletter and new podcast.

We’ve also been focused on amplifying the voices of military and federal emergency physicians through national level advocacy efforts. GSACEP, with the help of experts, have defined the right and left limits of how we, as a group, can legally advocate for ourselves at the local and national level. During the last ACEP Scientific Assembly we authored and passed two ACEP council resolutions to improve physician led team care and provide tools to combat non physician provider scope of practice expansion. Moving forward, we are looking to more aggressively identify the issues that affect our membership and explore how we can advocate for change in those areas.

While we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, we know there’s more work to be done, and look forward to continuing our efforts on your behalf!

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