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GSACEP President's Message

Lt Col (ret) Roderick Fontenette, MD, FACEP

Greetings team!

I hope this message finds all is well with you and your loved ones and that 2023 is shaping up to be one of your most productive years yet!  The chapter has entered the new year financially strong and with excitement in the air as we plan to meet in Austin for GSS2023. The Government Services Symposium is geared towards the unique mission of the military emergency medicine physician and those serving and practicing within the federal health system. The conference is 14-16 Apr and registration is now open! I would like to give a huge shout out to the conference planning committee as they are working tirelessly to organize what will surely be a great conference filled with high-yield educational content along with hands-on interactive labs. There will also be plenty of opportunity for networking and socializing. Residents will have opportunities to showcase their talents in the Resident Research Forum and the annual Resident SimWars competition.  Come out and cheer on your team!

It is time for member recognition! The application cycle for chapter awards has closed and award recipients will be announced at GSS. This is a great time for the chapter as it gives us the opportunity to highlight the tremendous work being done every day by our members to advance the objectives of the chapter. Since its inception in 1977, the Government Services Chapter has continued to be the voice of its members and to live up to our mission statement to promote quality emergency care and enhance the development of emergency physicians who serve our nation from training through retirement. 

In my last EPIC president’s message, I spoke of the unexpected passing of Col (ret) Dave Barry in September.  Dave was an integral member of our chapter and was an amazing educator, leader, clinician and friend. In recognition of his innumerable contributions to the chapter, the Board of Directors voted to rename the Fellowship in Leadership Development after Dave to honor his legacy. The award will provide financial support to allow recipients to attend GSS, the ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference as well as ACEP's annual meeting in order to gain a better understanding and deeper appreciation for what it takes to be a diverse leader in today's healthcare sector, as well as network and advocate for issues important to our specialty and chapter. These are all things Dave embodied and fought for and is why we felt naming this award in his honor to be a fitting tribute.


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