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ACEP Council Resolutions Asynchronous Testimony

Your voice matters, and now is the time to make it heard within the ACEP Council! We encourage all GSACEP members to take a moment to visit the ACEP Council's asynchronous testimony platform for council resolutions and actively participate by leaving your comments. This is an invaluable opportunity to influence the direction of emergency medicine and ensure that your perspectives are considered in critical decisions. Let's come together as a strong and united voice for our specialty. 

To post your comments, click on this link then scroll down and click on the orange button "2023 Council Resolutions." Then:

Please include the following information when commenting:

  1. Whether you are commenting on behalf of yourself or your component body (i.e., chapter, section, AACEM, CORD, EMRA, or SAEM).
  2. Whether you are commenting in support of the resolution, opposed to the resolution, or suggesting an amendment.
  3. Any additional information to support your position.

Comments should be concise so as to not exceed an equivalent of 2 minutes of oral testimony.

Asynchronous testimony will close at 12:00 noon Central time on Wednesday, September 27. Comments from the online testimony will be used to develop the preliminary Reference Committee reports. The preliminary reports will be distributed to the Council on Monday, October 2 and will be the starting point for the live Reference Committee debate during the Council meeting in Philadelphia on Saturday, October 7.

Your input can make a significant difference in shaping the future of emergency medicine. Share your views with your Councilors so we can represent the voice of GSACEP on the Council floor in Philadelphia.

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