Assessment Design for Academic Integrity: Policing, Prevention, & Participation
Most strategies to strengthen academic integrity on traditional test-based assessments focus on policing cheating efforts when they happen. Although these strategies work reasonably well in a face-to-face environment, they are ineffective or impossible in this new online-only educational landscape. It’s impossible to monitor students who are scattered across different locations and time zones and the opportunities for online collaboration are easily available. The rapid shift to remote teaching has meant redesigning assessments to maintain academic integrity, several of which, such as repeating questions across assessments and testing course-specific topics, will be discussed in this workshop. Efforts to promote cheating prevention rather than just policing, such as a pre-assessment “honesty pledge” meme assignment will be showcased.
Jennifer Stamp received her BSc in Neuroscience from Dalhousie University and Ph.D. in Anatomy from Cambridge University. She trained as a neuroanatomist and neuroendocrinologist, and published articles on the topics of stress, hormones, addiction, and sleep and co-authored two editions of an introductory psychology textbook. Dr. Stamp currently holds a position as a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience at Dalhousie, where she has been since 2003. She has played an active role in undergraduate teaching and research, concentrating in the areas of Integrated Science, Introductory Psychology, Neuroanatomy, Neuroendocrinology, Pharmacology, Addiction, and Social Psychology. Her work on innovative teaching strategies has culminated in the development of several online introductory courses and she has received numerous teaching awards. Dr. Stamp’s current work focuses on the development of online, active learning modules as well as tools to enhance science literacy. She has been invited to speak at local and national teaching and learning conferences.