IHCNO’s Advocacy Committee is currently comprised of five IHCNO members from the USA. Our purpose is to promote the specialty and professional image of home-based nursing. Advocate (the noun): one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal, one who supports or promotes the interests of a cause or group, and/or one who pleads the cause of another. Advocacy is the cornerstone of home-based nursing. We advocate for those we serve every day.
In 2025 - ‘26 we will focus on recruiting committee members from all continents, disseminating and promoting the professional image of home-based nursing, and empowering home-based nurses to strengthen their voices as they advocate for excellent home-based nursing care.
The Advocacy Committee is collaborating with IHCNO committees to provide web-based programming addressing international home-based nursing practice standards, increasing the visibility of home-based nursing, and highlighting the contributions of home-based nurses.
Stay tuned to IHCNO communications and website for more information. Your voice matters and we are interested in your ideas. Be a part of the IHCNO Advocacy Committee! For more information, please, email me at g95peteyb@gmail.com
Patricia Grimes, MSN, RN
IHCNO Advocacy Committee Chair