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TEP Nominations for Nursing Home VBP Program due March 16

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with Mathematica and RTI International to develop a Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing (SNF VBP) Program scoring methodology that ties SNF payments to the quality of care provided across several domains of care.

As the organizer of this TEP, Mathematica and RTI International convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input on the scoring methodology for the expansion of the SNF VBP Program. This work is in response to Section 111 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which allowed the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to apply up to nine additional measures to the SNF VBP Program for payment for services furnished on or after October 1, 2023 (fiscal year [FY] 2024). The purpose of this TEP is to solicit stakeholder input on updates to the SNF VBP Program scoring methodology to allow for applying additional measures to the current single-measure Program.

Mathematica and RTI International are seeking approximately 8 to 15 individuals to serve on the TEP with differing areas of expertise and perspectives, such as:

To learn more about this TEP, including how to submit a nomination, please click here.

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