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Aging services provisions in Administration’s proposed FY 23 Budget

LeadingAge shared an analysis of the housing related provisions of the President’s proposed FY 23 budget and what they could mean for aging services organizations last week. Linked here is the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) counterpart, with some Department of Labor, USCIS, and other elements too. (Note: Medicare and Medicaid, along with other entitlement/mandatory programs are not part of this discretionary budget.) The President’s budget is not the final word - Congress has a lot of work to do on the budget before it is finalized in time for the beginning of FY 23 on October 1, 2022. As we approach midterm elections, it is likely that Congress will choose to pass one or more Continuing Resolutions, rather than a final FY 23 budget. Nevertheless, the proposal provides insights into what the Administration is planning to prioritize and focus on.

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