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New Federal “No Surprise Billing” Provisions Your Office NEEDS to Know!

No Surprises Act Requirements Augment Michigan Surprise Billing Law

Good Faith Estimate (GFE) In A Nutshell [NEW-March 30, 2022]

To see Dr. Scott Munsterman's presentation on the No Surprises Act from the February 2022 MAC All-District Meeting, click here.

No Surprises Infographic with Watermark

Click the Infographic for a pdf copy.

In 2020, Governor Whitmer signed into law legislation that would add surprise billing protections to Michigan’s Public Health Code, stopping the potential for surprisingly high out-of-network charges for health care procedures. Under the Michigan law, providers must inform patients in advance of a scheduled procedure that their health insurer may not cover all their medical services and that they can request care from an in-network provider.

However, new federal surprise billing protections have also come into effect. How do these provisions interact with, and in some cases supplant, the Michigan law?

MAC Members: Access the MAC Matters article "New Federal 'No Surprise Billing' Provisions Your Office NEEDS to Know!" This article includes a federal/state compliant form and additional resources.

CFCU - Thomas


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