
February 22, 2018
12:30PM - 2:00PM

Faster Payments on the Card Network

Webinar Hosted by NACHA

February 22, 2018
12:30-2:00 PM CT
8:30-10:00 AM HST

$199 Member/$398 Non-Member

Part four in our Faster Payments webinar series focuses on the advancements within the card network. Visa Direct and MasterCard Send™ are two technologies now available to businesses and consumers to move money faster. But, what exactly are these technologies, how do they work and are they of any benefit to you? From disbursements to Person-to-Person (P2P) and cross-border payments, Visa Direct and MasterCard Send™ are extremely important options for financial institutions and businesses gain a competitive edge in a faster payments world.

Join this webinar to learn more about the benefits of each of these options, how you can help consumers understand them from a speed, security and convenience standpoint and how to garner support for their implementation within your organization.

Gain Insight & Understanding


Cecilia Frew
Senior Vice President, Head of North America Push Payments, Visa Inc.

Silvana Hernandez
Push Payments Lead, MasterCard


John Curtis, AAP, NCP
Senior Vice President, Education & Training, WesPay

AAP Credits

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