Third-Party Sender ACH Audit Guide
For Macha Member Financial Institutions Only
Publisher: Macha/PAR
The Nacha Operating Rules have added the requirement for all third-party senders to conduct an annual ACH audit. To help assist financial institutions in fulfilling this requirement, Macha/PAR created the Third-Party Audit Guide. Provided electronically, to allow for distribution to all your third-party senders, the guide includes audit worksheets that will take your third-party senders step-by-step through the audit process. The guide also includes an audit report to summarize any findings. Not only does the Third-Party Sender ACH Audit Guide help satisfy the Nacha audit requirement, but it also will assist in identifying areas of risk that otherwise may not have been uncovered. The Nacha Rules require the annual ACH audit to be completed by December 31st, so order your Third-Party Sender ACH Audit Guide today!
Don't have the time or expertise to conduct the third-party sender audits? Or does your financial institution want an external specialist to conduct your third-party senders' annual audit? Macha/PAR has your answer!
For years, financial institutions have had Macha/PAR’s trained staff of AAP’s perform their annual ACH audit and help reduce risk. Now this same detailed service is available to your Third-Party Senders! Your financial institution can contract Macha/PAR to perform the annual ACH audit for your Third-Party Sender(s). Your Third-Party Senders will receive the same quality service of Macha/PAR’s full-scale audit program that is designed to uncover areas of noncompliance and risk, while offering mitigating controls and solutions.
Macha publications are only for sale to financial institution members and may not be resold, transferred or assigned.
Call today to schedule your Third-Party Senders’ annual ACH Audit! (800) 453-1843
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