Please help the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Local and Regional Health (OLRH) by participating in the bi-annual Local Public Health partner survey, which aims to assess local public health professionals’ understanding of and satisfaction with the services provided by the Office of Local and Regional Health. This second iteration of the survey contains some new and timely questions, and findings will continue to be used to evaluate and improve the performance of OLRH to better meet the needs of local public health partners.
To obtain diverse and representative input from the local public health workforce and partners supporting local public health – we ask that all staff working with and for local public health complete the survey. This includes all members of your organization or agency, not just a single representative.
Please complete the survey by clicking this link or scanning the QR code below by Wednesday, May 15. A PDF copy of the survey can also be found here. It can be filled out and scanned/emailed back to
If you have questions about the survey, please contact OLRH's evaluation partner, Health Resources in Action, at We thank you for your participation!