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Training: Cultural Humility as a Methodology for Collaborating with Massachusetts Native Communities

A free virtual training on May 31

Please note: This is not an MHOA training. We are passing along information our members may find helpful. Questions should be directed to: Emelie Trayah,, AdCare Educational Institute.

Cultural Humility as a Methodology for Collaborating with Massachusetts Native Communities

May 31, 2024
9:30 AM-3:30 PM
Eastern Time, via Zoom
Register Here

Description: The training team will present an interactive program that integrates best practices and principles regarding training for cultural humility (Fisher-Bourne, Cain and Martin, 2015; Betancourt, Green and Carrillo, 2016), while communicating essential knowledge and nuanced understanding regarding Native communities in Massachusetts.

Objectives: Upon Completion of this training, the participants will (be able to):

  • Participants will increase their knowledge of Massachusetts Native communities and their challenges in regard to substance misuse. 
  • Participants will gain an understanding of best practices for working with Native communities and patients effectively.
  • Participants will gain greater understanding of the key concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence. 
  • Participants will gain experience applying concepts of cultural humility and cultural competence to working with Native communities and patients. 
  • Participants will gain experience applying specific knowledge and increased understanding of Massachusetts Native peoples to their work with Native communities and patients.

Sponsored by:  MA Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, & AdCare Educational Institute, Inc.


Email Emelie Trayah,

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