MHOA is sharing this opportunity from NACCHO that may be of interest to members.
NACCHO is currently soliciting nominations for the NACCHO Board for an interim At-Large Director position (for populations serving 50,000 or less) due to the recent departure of Board member, Robert Kirkpatrick formerly representing Milam County, TX. This position represents a special interim appointment to the Board to complete the original term of office and will begin upon appointment and conclude in July 2027 at which time the incumbent will be eligible to serve up to two (2) additional three-year terms.
The call for nominations will be open from August 8 through September 6, 2024. The goal of the Nominations Committee is to present well-qualified and deeply experienced public health professional candidates that are diverse in every sense of the word and representative of the NACCHO membership. The Committee also encourages nominations from those who have previously not been as actively engaged in NACCHO as well as those representing rural and frontier jurisdictions as well as our tribal sovereign nations. Serving on the Board is a chance to grow personally and professionally, further develop professional skills, gain unique leadership experience, and make lasting connections with a group of other passionate and motivated local public health professionals.
NACCHO has a dedicated staff in Washington, D.C. who make the Board's job as fulfilling as possible. NACCHO staff take care of managing NACCHO’s day-to-day operations, thus enabling the Board to focus on matters of strategic importance for the organization and all local health departments. Board service provides these unique professional and personal development opportunities:
1. Influence the Strategic Direction of Your Professional Home: In doing so, Board members can have a positive impact on local health departments and public health practice
2. Be the Voice of the Local Experience: Board members ensure that NACCHOs programs, policies, and advocacy are field-informed and reflective of the experience on the ground
3. Serve as a Representative of NACCHO: Board members are often asked to speak on behalf of NACCHO at meetings and with the media
4. Set Public Health Policy: Board members review and approve all NACCHOs policy statements that make recommendations to policy makers at all levels of government, as well as local health department leaders
5. Influence National Policy: Board members meet with their Congressional representatives, federal agency officials, and may represent NACCHO on federal or other national advisory bodies
6. Increase Knowledge of Issues of the Day: Board members are briefed on and strategize around pressing legislative, regulatory, and public health practice impacting local health departments
7. Be a Mentor/Mentee: All newly elected Board members are paired with a seasoned member of the Board to ensure that they understand their roles, how the Board does business, and the structure of NACCHO
8. Increase Non-profit Finance Knowledge: Board members, in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities, will learn about non-profit budgeting and oversight
9. Grow Your Network: Opportunity to work closely with other passionate and talented LHOs from across the country on issues of importance to NACCHO as an organization and local public health
10. Build Your Skill Set: Hone the skills you currently possess and learn new skills through a formal orientation program led by NACCHO Executive Staff and officers of the Board
NACCHO hopes you will consider helping to lead your national association into the future and serve your profession by nominating a colleague and/or yourself for the position available. Please feel free to share this communication widely in your networks and communications.
Below is a Nominations Form that can be submitted directly to Also below is an outline of Board member expectations and benefits of serving. The call for nominations closes on September 6, 2024.
NACCHO Board Member expectations
Thank you in advance for your consideration. If you would like to learn more about the position and serving on the Board, please reach out to Lori Freeman, NACCHO's Chief Executive Officer at