Vaccine Equity Initiative Webinar
October 29, 2024 3 - 4 pm
MHOA is sharing this training opportunity from OLRH that may be of interest to members. Please contact OLRH with questions.
Want to increase flu and COVID vaccination among hard-to-reach populations while increasing community connections?
Join the special topic webinar on Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 3 - 4 p.m.
Learn about:
- How to partner with community organizations to maximize flu/COVID clinic turnout.
- How to best use DPH's Mobile Vaccination program and its In-Home Vaccination program.
- What DPH learned at its community listening sessions about COVID and flu, and how you can use that information to increase participation in your vaccination efforts.
- Who the DPH Division of Community Engagement is and how they can help you expand collaboration with local organizations serving hard-to-reach populations.
- How to access communications materials to help you promote clinics and inform the public about the benefits of vaccination.
You can join the webinar using the same link you have for the monthly webinar series. If you have not yet registered for these webinars, click on the following link:
If you have any questions or technical issues, please email localregionalpublichealth@mass.gov.