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Please Support Dr. Barbara McAneny for AMA President-Elect

Please Support Dr. Barbara McAneny for AMA President-Elect

ASCO has endorsed Barbara McAneny, MD, FASCO, MACP, in her campaign for President-elect of the American Medical Association (AMA). Dr. McAneny, a medical oncologist/hematologist from New Mexico, would be the first oncologist elected to serve as AMA President.

Dr. McAneny is an active ASCO volunteer, previously serving on the ASCO Board of Directors (2005-2008) and as a liaison to the AMA House of Delegates (2002-2013). She has also long been active in the AMA, and is past chair and current member of the AMA Board of Trustees. Dr. McAneny has also been actively involved in leadership of the New Mexico Society of Clinical Oncology and currently serves at their Council representative.

In your communications, please ask your members who are also AMA members to reach out to their states' AMA delegates and encourage them to vote for Dr. McAneny for president-elect in the June 2017 election.

For more information on Dr. McAneny and her positions on important healthcare policy issues, visit

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