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Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

By Deborah McNeilance, MSHO Reimbursement Consultant

What are social determinants of health (SDOH)?  Many of us know these codes exist but why are they important and how are they being used?  These codes explain the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, work, learn, worship and play.  They identify the age at which their health declines, their quality-of-life outcomes and risks.   SDOH are grouped into 5 domains:  Economic Stability, Education Access and Quality, Health Care Access and Quality, Neighborhood and Built Environment and Social and Community Context. 

SDOH expose wide health disparities and inequities.  Examples of this might include not having access to groceries, therefore unhealthy eating leading to heart disease, diabetes, obesity and possibly cancer.  Another example is safe housing or lack of education, inability to afford prescriptions, low income, or polluted water. 


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