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With Millions at Stake, Oncologists Question Ethics of New Billing Practice

Oncology practices are increasingly billing for patient portal messages; however, some members of the cancer community are asking if that is the right thing to do. A new ethical analysis published in JCO Oncology Practice (JCO OP) states that any billing system must be grounded in the fundamental principles of medical ethics and must be designed to mitigate potential negative impacts. This is necessary for the well-being of both patients and clinicians, the authors argue.

“In some instances, the volume of messages is overwhelming physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, and allied staff who support them,” said Bassel Nazha, MD, MPH, lead author of the article and an assistant professor at the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University in Atlanta. “For a healthcare provider, the perception of one’s delivered quality of care and the sustainability of their operational practices are central to their sense of professional fulfillment and to reducing burnout.”


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