Complete Story


Health Alliance Plan

Health Alliance Plan Managed Care Committee Member

April Danish

April Danish, CHONC - Newland Medical Associates

Critical IV Fluid Shortage
HAP is aware of the manufacturing disruption caused by recent events and its impact on supplying critical IV fluids for our providers and facilities. If your HAP patients are on a medication affected by this shortage, and require alternative therapy with a non-preferred agent, we will consider this in our review. All you need to do is submit a prior authorization request online:

Reminder –Benefit Policies, Prior Authorizations and Pharmacy Information
Please see the table below for helpful reminders and tips!

Benefit Coverage Policies
Log in at, select More, Benefit Admin Manual. You can easily search for policies by term, code, or phrase. To see changes from the previous month, select Recent Changes.

Prior Authorizations
Log in at, select Quick Links, Procedure Reference Lists. You can easily search by code to see if an authorization is required. To see changes from the previous month, refer to the Summary of Changes.

Electronic Submission Requirement
Per Michigan Senate Bill 247, health care providers are required to submit prior authorization requests electronically. Faxes are not allowed. While this requirement is specific to members in commercial plans, you should submit requests electronically for members in all HAP plans. It’s the most efficient process! You can find our online application, CareAffiliate, when you log in at and select Authorizations.


HAP CareSource Marketplace Plans Coming in 2025
October 24, 2024

Effective January 1, 2025, HAP CareSource will offer Marketplace plans in Michigan. They are available in Genesee, Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, Shiawassee and Wayne counties. These plans are on-exchange and have gold, silver, and bronze tiers. There are also chronic-condition health plans:

Below is an ID card sample.



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