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How to Make Your CSRs the Best They Can Be

Seth Garber, Pest Daily

When you work in a service-oriented industry like pest or wildlife control, the quality of the customer experience is everything. If you’re able to solve someone’s ant problem while providing them with personalized, friendly service, they’re probably going to stick with you for life. Plus, there’s a good chance they’ll sing your praises to their friends and family as well. That’s always a great thing, right?

But before you have the opportunity to wow customers with your knowledge and expertise, they have to hire you first - and that’s where your customer service representatives come in. CSRs play an integral role in creating a positive initial impression of your company and showing your prospects why you’re the perfect choice for them.

“Your CSRs are quite literally the face - and the voice - of your organization,” said Seth Garber, a leading industry consultant and founder of the e-learning platform Pest Daily. “By training them on the real-life situations they’ll be dealing with, they’ll be prepared to handle anything that comes their way. And that’s ultimately what’s going to make your company stand out, especially for the customers who need your help the most.”

If you’re looking to empower your CSRs and get them excited about delivering outstanding service every time, here are five of Garber’s recommendations:

The bottom line: Developing your CSR team is an ongoing process and it can take time and patience. However, by investing in your people and supporting their professional growth through training and role-playing exercises, they’ll gain confidence in themselves and become an invaluable asset to your company and your customers. What more could you ask for?

Seth Garber, the founder and CEO of Pest Daily, has been an active member of the pest control community since 2008. A former owner/operator himself, Garber is now considered to be the top consultant in the industry and has developed unique, innovative methodologies to help pest control companies grow strategically and intentionally. To learn more, visit

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