
February 13, 2014
2:00PM - 3:00PM

Safety First…the New Normal in High Pressure Hydroblasting:

Industry Best Practices for Hydroblast Hose Assembly Applications

Presented by the Hose Safety Institute Advisory Council and Standards Committee


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The Industrial cleaning industry operates some of the highest pressure equipment, in what are often the most diverse and time critical applications.  Hydroblasting (5,000 – 55,000 psi) has the potential to be a high risk craft if not managed properly. 

This webinar will discuss a comprehensive approach to ensure worker safety, one which requires equal effort in three critical areas: behavior based safety, standard equipment design and maintenance, and employee training to the standard.  While each area is of equal importance, this webinar focuses on best practices in standard equipment design relating to hose assemblies, based on input from hydroblasting contractors and hose and equipment manufacturers and distributors.

NAHAD’s Hose Safety Institute has been engaged in an on-going effort to identify key issues within end user industries, create task groups representing impacted companies and organizations, and document the consensus as to the recommended best practices in the design, fabrication, and on-going maintenance of hose assemblies.

Be the first to hear details about the whitepaper recently developed by the Institute’s Hydroblast Task Group. Learn what prompted these efforts, who was involved and how these changes can have a substantial impact on worker safety and risk management. All participants will receive a copy of the new Hydroblast whitepaper, which will also be featured at the upcoming NAHAD 30th Annual Convention.  This webinar is available Free to all Hose Safety Institute members.


Presented by the Hose Safety Institute© Advisory Council:

The Hose Safety Institute© Advisory Council is composed of end-users from key industries working to address hose assembly safety issues within their industry. The Institute provides a powerful forum for distributors, manufacturers, suppliers, end-users and industry organizations to support and promote hose assembly safety, quality and reliability, across all markets and industries. More information at


Hose Safety Institute Members: FREE
NAHAD Members: $49 per phone line connection
Non-Members: $149 per phone line connection
Access: The access information you will receive is only good for one phone line and one web screen. If you are planning for multiple people at your location to view this e-seminar, they must all view one screen and use speakerphone for the audio. To use more than one phone line and web screen, you will need to register based on the number of phone lines/web screens you will need for your audience.

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