
May 8, 2013
3:30PM - 5:00PM

Multi-Family Madness

presented by EMH &T

The Gramercy at New Albany


Multi-Family Madness


presented by








The Gramercy New Albany


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Registration 3:30pm, Program 3:45pm

Networking Reception 4:30pm


The latest reports on new and existing home sales seem to indicate that the housing market is beginning to find its footing again. While most believe the recovery will be slow, U-shaped, and bumpy, the free fall appears to be over for both sales and prices.


If that is in fact the case, then we have to ask what effect that recovery will have on the recently booming apartment sector, which benefited from the housing crash.  Rents are sky high in most of the largest U.S. markets, and vacancies are down and still falling. Multifamily housing starts were up 30 percent in July from a year ago, according to the U.S. Commerce Department, and multifamily permits were up over 47 percent.


Supply increases are a potential risk to the multifamily sector, and high prices have caused investors to sour on the sector of late. But some say multifamily isn’t exactly heading into the woods. The fundamentals are still strong.  Hear what the local experts are thinking and doing regarding the Multi-Family Madness.


Moderator:  David Royer, VP of Finance & Development, Continental Real Estate Companies





Members, $40, Nonmembers, $60




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