
February 21, 2023
4:00PM - 7:00PM

NAIOP Central Ohio Forecast 2023

Hilton Columbus Easton

NAIOP Central Ohio Forecast 2023

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Hilton Easton

Forecast 2023 Presentation Slides

Get the latest update on Industrial Real Estate in the metro Columbus area.  Our expert panelist will discuss capital markets/investments, industrial development, and leasing in central Ohio and the radical shift in velocity of deals in this exciting product type.

Raif Webster

Raif Webster

Vice President, Development Services
VanTrust Real Estate


Curt Berlin Sean Devaney Ben Johnson Steve Kuhr

Curt Berlin
Industrial Specialist
NAI Ohio Equities

Sean Devaney
Managing Director
JLL Capital Markets

Ben Johnson
Sr Exec VP/Principal

Steve Kuhr
Managing Director
JLL Columbus




Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!

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