
January 26 - 28, 2015


Ottawa Convention Centre

Registration is open and NCDA members can get an additional 10% discount, as a supporting organization.

The Cannexus website is

The Cannexus Twitter handle is @cannexus and the hashtag is #cannexus15.


Cannexus is Canada’s largest bilingual career development conference and will bring together 800 professionals in the field from across education, community organizations, government and the private sector. It is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career development.


Delegates will be informed and inspired by three exceptional keynotes from these Canadian leaders:


There will be more than 100 education sessions that will bring you the latest trends in effective counselling and facilitation techniques, labour market information, emerging technology and tools, and working with diverse populations. An Exhibitor Showcase will also highlight a range of beneficial products and services in the field.


CERIC’s 10th anniversary celebrations culminate at Cannexus15 with Spark! This series of TEDx-style talks on diverse topics will provide the “spark” for you to think differently about your work.


You can enhance your conference experience by taking an optional pre-conference workshop. Choose among workshops with four popular presenters and go in-depth on these topics:

You can also extend your Cannexus15 learning with our post-conference workshop on Positive Psychology with the highly regarded Louisa Jewell.

Cannexus is presented by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada with a broad network of supporting organizations.

For more information and to register, visit


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