The 2023 NCDA Global Career Development Conference theme is "Career Development Around the World: Making Connections and Increasing Access to Impact the Global Labor Market".
The conference planning team, which is headed by the 2022-23 NCDA President, Lakeisha Mathews, described the value of making global connections:
Career development is implemented by professionals working in a variety of settings with diverse populations. This includes the different populations served in the United States such as college students, displaced workers, retirees, the differently abled, LGBTQIA+ community members, international students, students in K-12, and more. This also includes professionals facilitating career development outside of the US, in countries around the world. (NCDA, 2022, para. 2)
Career development practitioners, facilitators, counselor educators, counselors, specialists and others are encouraged to submit proposals for the 2023 conference convening in Chicago, Illinois, June 29-July 1. Proposals are being accepted now until October 3, 2022 for four types of sessions:
Proposals, which include session title, goals, objectives, description, abstract, summary and relevance to the theme, should reference relevant literature and NCDA publications as applicable. The NCDA Conference Program Committee will review all proposals. Final decisions will be based on quality, intended audience, and relation to the conference theme. The presentation chair
will be notified via email of acceptance or rejection of the proposal no later than Tuesday,
December 6, 2022. Paid registration for the NCDA conference is required of all presenters.
As the 2023 NCDA Conference Program Chair, I am looking forward to the conference next year. Some of my favorite NCDA conferences have been held in Chicago and I am so glad we are returning. I am especially excited by the global theme and can’t wait to see what our creative, innovative, and generous presenters offer to share.
According to the NCDA Conference Director (Powell, 2020), presentations typically generate positive feedback, such as
Former NCDA President, Seth Hayden (2020-2021), adamantly states the vitality of the field of career development is dependent upon NCDA and its conference presenters:
Professional associations provide a means of professional growth and a venue for connecting with colleagues in the field. Within this network of like-minded professionals, opportunity for engagement, involvement, and support occurs in formal and informal ways. The vitality of an association is dependent on the active participation of members in the functioning of the association. (Hayden, 2020, para. 1)
Anyone interested in submitting a proposal should first read the detailed instructions and then complete the online CFP form. Only electronic submissions using the CFP form will be accepted. The CFP deadline is October 3, 2022. Watch the conference website for more details about the 2023 conference:
Hayden, S. (2020). The vitality of involvement in NCDA. Career Convergence.
NCDA. (2022). 2023 NCDA conference call for proposals. Author.
Powell, M. A. (2020). Inspiring Innovation, Increasing Diversity, and Promoting Social Justice in Career Practice. Career Convergence.
Lisa Severy, Ph.D, CCC, is the 2023 NCDA Conference Program Chair, and has been a leader in career development, counseling, and higher education since 1996. She served as the Director of Career Services at the University of Colorado Boulder from 2003 to 2020. Before joining the team in Colorado, she worked at the University of Florida for seven years. Lisa earned her bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and has three graduate degrees, including a PhD in Counselor Education, from the University of Florida. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado. She is also an NCDA Certified Career Counselor. Lisa is on the Governing Council of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and is a past president of the National Career Development Association (2013-14). She can be reached at