About Us: Media Kit
About Us: Media Kit
The PR committee has developed these materials to assist career counselors in communicating with their various publics.
We thank you for using these materials and for providing feedback so that we can continue to improve the support we provide to you in your profession and career. For more information, contact Peter Manzi, NCDA PR Chair, parmcede@hotmail.com.
- Case Studies (PDF 43KB) - "These sample case studies provide examples of 'typical' issues and outcomes from career counseling. Can be used as models for career counselors to use in creating their own examples."
- Press Releases (DOC 23KB) - "Prepared press release that career counselors can use to communicate with local press. Career counselors have permission to place their name and identifying information in the 'local career counselor' spot and to put their city, state information at the start of the press release. This can also be used as a model for career counselors who would like to develop their own materials."
- "Top Ten Career Counseling Questions" (PDF - 29KB)- "An article by the NCDA North Atlantic Regional Trustee, Peter Manzi, that can be used to help the career counselor prepare for presentations to the public. It can also be used in speaking to groups about questions they might ask a career counselor and how that particular career counselor might respond."
- "The Importance of Career Counselors" (PDF 60KB) -This article can provide the career counselor with ideas to use in presenting their value to the community and media.
- Membership Information - "This will link you to the membership information and can be used both to explain what NCDA is and the benefits of membership."
- NCD Month - "Another effort to promote career counselors and career counseling is the National Career Month in November of each year. This link will take you to information about National Career Month activities."
- Links: "The California CDA has developed useful information in speaking to consumers and in talking to the media about what we do. The links below will take you to these pages. As a way of letting the CA CDA folks know how helpful their materials are, please email their president, Michelle Beese at mpbeese@cwnet.com"
The materials you see in this media kit were developed through the hard work and efforts of the NCDA Public Relations Committee members, who include: Linda Ginac, Linda Warren, Rita Horn, Ed Colozzi, and Peter Manzi. The California Career Development Association staff and members produced an excellent, informative website that we are grateful for their permission to provide linkage. Spencer Niles, 2003-2004 president, the NCDA headquarters staff, the website, and other contributors rounded out the "media kit".