

Effective October 1, 2012



The NCDA Board of Directors is implementing a membership dues increase effective October 1, 2012. Due to the increasing costs of operations and member services, and to remain fiscally sound in this unstable economy, the Board has set the following dues structure:

Professional/Regular - $85

Student/ New Professional - $35

Retired - $50




The last Membership Dues Increase was 2009. Since then:


Significant Expense Increases:


Significant Revenue Shortfalls:


New and Enhanced Services since 2009:


Note: NCDA strives to maintain at least 75% of NCDA revenues for member services; 25% for general/administrative costs. The management team has received minimal pay increases while assuming additional workload duties. The board is on a volunteer basis, with the exception of a slight stipend for the president, and are only reimbursed for travel and related expenses.


Comparable Association Membership Dues:

National Association of Colleges and Employers $225 individuals

National Association of Workforce Development Professionals $75 individuals

American School Counseling Association $115 pro/regular; $60 student/retired

American College Counseling Association $50 pro/regular; $40 student/retired



NCDA will accept an additional year from any member (at the old rates) thru October 31, 2012.  Click here to RENEW now.

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