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TIMELY: Zero Expense Report - Combined Short Form


NCPLA Members, 
We have good news! The Secretary of State’s Lobbying Compliance Division has created a new Lobbyist Zero Expense Report - Combined Short Form. This form can be used for 2nd Quarter reports (which are due this Monday, July 22nd) and quarterly reports moving forward, in place of individual Lobbyist Zero Expense forms for each client.
Your NCPLA team has worked with the Secretary of State’s office to find ways to streamline quarterly reporting, and we appreciate them hearing our members’ concerns and making this form available. Special thanks to Lobbying Compliance Division Director Leo John for his ongoing partnership and work to make this change possible.
The new form can be found at this link.
A few key notes:
As always, thank you for your membership and support.
All the best,
Whitney, Alex, and Sarah

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