Complete Story


Update from Alex Miller, NCPLA President


NCPLA members, 

As we begin a new legislative biennium, we find our Association in a strong position to advocate for the needs of our members and the lobbying profession, all thanks to your partnership and participation. On behalf of the entire Executive Committee and Board, I thank you for your membership.


In the last few years our Association has achieved significant successes, with the introduction of the Express Pass system and the reduction of administrative burden for lobbyists through the new Combined Short Form for quarterly expense reports. None of this would be possible without the active help and support of our members.


We will continue to advocate for our members and our profession during the legislative sessions to come. To help us maintain and strengthen our efforts, here are some ways you can stay involved and get the most out of your membership:



It’s an honor to serve as your President for this year. I wish you happiness and success this session and look forward to seeing you soon. 


All the best,




DEADLINE to RENEW DUES for inclusion in the Printed Directory: JANUARY 31st


Thank you to the members who renewed, joined, or updated their membership profiles over the holidays. As a reminder, you must update your information yourself. Please do not submit updates to Chantel.




Dues were due November 30th, 2024, but many of you opt to pay in the new year. If so, now is the time to pay if you want to be included in the printed directory. Unpaid invoices will be re-sent for the final time later this week. If you’re not sure whether or not you’re current, check your account and see if you have an unpaid invoice.  




View the current draft HERE

Sponsor ads will be added at the beginning, and member information split across two pages will be fixed before it goes out. Changes cannot be made in this document. For any changes (name, title, company, clients, picture, etc.), please makes those changes in your NCPLA member account, as all information is pulled from those profiles. It is imperative that all members review this information for their own personal accuracy. If any of your information is out of date, please log in to your account and update your information. If you are not included in this draft, it is likely because you have not paid your 2025 dues, so check that first before reaching out to Chantel. If you completed a new member application on the website instead of paying your renewal invoice, Chantel will have to fix that error in the system.



A huge thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!

If you and/or your firm are interested in sponsoring NCPLA in 2025, there are some great benefits per level. Please see the flyer, and email Chantel if you’d like more information or an invoice.



The general assembly has asked NCPLA to assume management of the social calendar for legislative receptions. If you have anything you would like to add, the calendar is now open for submissions.


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