Complete Story
Membership Directory Update - Time to RENEW
It's time to update your information for this year's printed directory.
As a reminder, you will not be included int he directory unless your membership is up-to-date. Invoices were sent in the fall and again on Jan. 30. If you aren't sure if you're current, log in to our website, and see if you are current for 2023.
Here is a draft of the information that will be included in the printed directory. This is a draft, so some of the information (particularly long client lists) will have to be moved and shifted, so please disregard that. It is imperative that all members review this information for their own personal accuracy. If any of your information is out of date, please log in to our website and update your information. If you are not included in this draft, you have not paid your 2023 dues. As a reminder, you must update your information yourself. Please do not submit updates to Stephen.
Purchase Ad Space in our 2023 printed directory by sponsoring NCPLA! This year, we are offering members an opportunity to purchase ad space in our directory. While four of the five Sponsorship Levels include tickets to Annual Meeting and CLE events, the Directory listing is $500. Ads will need to be purchased and submitted by January 31st, fully designed, and 3.5 x 3 inches.
NCPLA 2023 Membership Benefits Include:
- Ethics Pledge
- Inclusion in the 2023 Printed Directory
- Access to the NCPLA Website Online Directory (updatable any time, in real time)
- Educational Seminars
- 2023 Annual Meeting
- Professional Development, Networking, and Leadership Opportunities
If you have trouble logging into your account, questions about the directory or sponsorships, or questions about NCPLA in general, please email Stephen.
NCPLA was founded in 1998 to instill core values of integrity, honesty, and professionalism among the lobbyist community and pass along those values to the next generation of lobbyists. NCPLA Members agree to abide by the NCPLA Code of Conduct