
January 10, 2022

MJSOP Meeting Update

All intentions were to restart MJSOP’s in person CE programs in early ’22.  However, recent surges in positivity rates has pushed our start date back.

As of right now, MJSOP is targeting a restart of our local society in person meetings in early April (April 5, 2022).  The exact location has yet to be determined.  Our previous location (Seasons 52, Edison) simply doesn’t allow us the opportunity to practice those safety measures needed with such high potential transmissibility.  I’ll keep everyone updated as that date approaches and better inform of the details (location/time/topic/speaker).

Remember, if you’re looking for CE options in the interim (April 30, 2023 is right around the corner!), NJSOP’s on line CE portal has a wealth of options available to you, all from the comforts of your own home/couch/office.

-- Dr. George Veliky

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