Complete Story

Final Risk Management Program Rule Released

By Andy O’Hare – The Fertilizer Institute

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a pre-publication copy of the risk management program (RMP) final rule. A copy of pre-publication version of the rule may be found here.


Pages 4-8 of the document provide a summary of the final rule. EPA has finalized new requirements addressing accident prevention, emergency response and enhanced availability of information. The highlights of the new requirements are as follows:

Accident Prevention:

Emergency Response:

Enhanced Availability of Information:

Covered Chemicals:

Compliance Dates (beginning on page 271):


As indicated above, the rule will be effective 60 days following publication in the Federal Register.

It is uncertain when publication will occur, and there is a chance that it may not be published before January 20. If so, the rule could be potentially withdrawn by the incoming Trump Administration. If it is published before January 20, there will be a question as to whether the Trump Administration may still withdraw the rule, as it will not be effective.

If, however, it is published before January 20, the incoming Congress may elect to rescind the rule using a Congressional Review Act petition. This rule has already been nominated by TFI and other groups as a candidate for this petition process.

Finally, EPA plans to hold a webinar on the final rule in January, presumably before the change in Administrations. Additional details on a webinar will be provided as they become available.

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