

4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program Auditor

Nutrient Stewardship Council - Ohio, Indiana, Michigan

The Nutrient Stewardship Council, on behalf of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program, seeks to contract with consultants as 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program Auditors. The 4R Certification Program was officially launched on March 18, 2014, and includes specifications for best practices for nutrient management for nutrient service providers in and around the Lake Erie Watershed, with the goal of long-term improvement of Lake Erie’s water quality.

Detailes regarding qualifications are listed below.  Interested candidates should complete the 2015 4R Auditor Application and Conflict of Interest Form and send, along with their most current resume, to:

Applications will be accepted through Aug. 14, 2015.


Education and Experience





Training in all of the following areas:


Training in any of the following areas:

It is preferred candidates be located in Indiana, Michigan or Ohio. Contract position noted.


Contact Andrew Allman, executive director of the Nutrient Stewardship Council, at (614) 326-7520 ext. 1, or by email at

Additional information about the principles and practices of 4R nutrient stewardship can be found online at:


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