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FSMA Two-Tier Inspections - Notice to Industry

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is soliciting businesses with multiple food processing facilities that implement centrally-developed [1] supply-chain programs and recall plans to volunteer for two-tier inspections. For participating facilities, FDA will assess the adequacy of the supply-chain program (subpart G of part 117) and recall plan (21 CFR 117.139) in a single Tier 1 inspection. FDA will then assess implementation of the supply-chain program and compliance with other applicable requirements in part 117 during separate Tier 2 inspections. 

FDA will consider the results of this two-tier inspection approach to:

The potential benefits of the two-tier inspection approach are:

FDA will share the general outcome from this approach.


The two-tier approach is comprised of two assessments, or tiers.

Tier 1 inspections:

Tier 2 inspections:


Businesses that volunteer to be inspected under the two-tier inspection approach should have two or more domestic registered food facilities that:


FDA intends to limit initial participation to approximately five (5) businesses with centrally-developed programs and a minimum of two (2) related facilities within each business. Participant selection will be based on the total number of facilities implementing the centrally-developed programs and the categories or types of products at each facility requiring a supply-chain program and recall plan. Not all interested businesses may be selected.

Businesses that satisfy the “Criteria to Participate” and wish to participate in a two-tier inspections approach should send an email expressing their interest to FDA at: by 10/31/2018.

Emails to FDA should include the names, addresses, and contact persons for each business interested in participating, the facility that would participate in the Tier 1 inspection, the facilities available for Tier 2 inspections, the number of facilities implementing the centrally-developed programs, and the categories or types of products at each facility. FDA will notify applicants if they have or have not been selected using the contact information that is provided. 

[1] “Centrally developed” in this context means established at a business or corporate level for multiple facilities  within the business entity.

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