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US Congress Finally Passes “Doc Fix”

Elusive bipartisan legislation to avoid Medicare payment cut sailed through Congress, signed by President Obama

In 2015, the United States Congress passed a bill that headed off a 21% cut to Medicare reimbursement and permanently repeal the flawed Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula. The bill—the result of a rare bipartisan deal struck by House Majority Leader John Boehner (R – OH) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D – CA)—also extended the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

For at least 12 years, both parties in Congress recognized the need to fix the SGR, the formula which determined reimbursement rates for physicians who treat Medicare patients. Until 2015, however, a deal had eluded lawmakers, leading to a series of temporary “patches” instead.

When the deal between House leaders was announced, physicians’ groups around the nation—including Ohio ACEP—mobilized to make sure Congress took advantage of the historic opportunity to finally fix the SGR. The medical community rallied behind these efforts, called and emailed their lawmakers, and helped make sure Congress passed the bill.

President Barack Obama signed the bill into law in April.

A big “thanks” to our members who answered our call to action and contacted their lawmakers!

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