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Bill to Establish MOLST in Ohio Advances in Senate

Ohio ACEP members and other physicians have testified in support of the legislation

MOLST hands

Senate Bill 165, introduced by Sen. Peggy Lehner (R – Kettering), would establish procedures for the use of MOLST (medical orders for life-sustaining treatment) and make changes to laws governing Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) identification and orders.

The MOLST legislation recently had its 5th hearing before the Senate Civil Justice Committee. A substitute bill was accepted on December 8, 2015, and another amendment was accepted on April 27, 2016. The bill has been opposed by certain Right to Life organizations.

At the hearing on December 8th, Ohio ACEP member Dr. Christian Jacobus testified stating, “As both an emergency physician and specialist in end-of-life care, I can attest that adopting the MOLST form in Ohio would be an invaluable addition to patient care.”

At the April 27th hearing, member Dr. Joe Bocka testified that, “Having a document that will simply and rapidly express what the patient's wishes are when they are not able to do so, no matter where they are in Ohio, is crucial for EMS and emergency department providers. Having a form that will flex to their desires is what MOLST will provide that the current DNR forms do not."

The amended substitute bill clarifies that MOLST applies only to an individual with a serious illness or frailty.

Ohio ACEP has served on the Honoring Wishes Task Force which has been attempting to bring MOLST to Ohio for over five years. Current information from the task force is available, including a draft MOLST formHow MOLST Fits Within Ohio Law Regarding Health Care Decision Making; and Key Talking Points.

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