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July President's Message

It’s that time of year again! Time to congratulate graduating EM residents; time to watch junior and senior residents step up into leadership roles; and time to welcome all the new faces joining residencies across the state.

It’s also time to invite all you EM residents and med students—young and slightly-less-young—to a unique event designed just for you: The Ohio Emergency Medicine Residents’ Assembly, a fantastic opportunity to meet with state and national EM leaders, more than 100 of your fellow Ohio EM residents and med students, and dozens of recruiters and employers.

We’ve lined up EM:RAP host and EM podcaster extraordinaire, Dr. Anand “Swami” Swaminathan as our keynote speaker. We’re also excited to welcome Ohio’s own Dr. Kevin KlauerBouncebacks! co-author, national EM leader, and risk management guru—to show you the ropes on negotiating your first employment contract out of residency.

There’s way too much in the Residents’ Assembly program to list here, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Ohio ACEP Poster Competitiondon’t forget to submit your poster abstracts by this Monday, July 25!—and, back by overwhelming popular demand, the EMRA Quiz Show, a rapid-fire trivia battle royale to prove which Ohio residency is the smartest. Can St. John Medical Center defend their title from 2015?

Oh, and did I mention that over $2,000 in cash and prizes will be given out at the Residents’ Assembly?

Come join us at the Ohio EM Residents’ Assembly, August 11 in Columbus for a day of fun, friendly competition, post-residency career sessions, and much more.

Can’t wait to see you there!

Michael J. McCrea, MD, FACEP

Group discounts are available for as little as $20 per person—give us a call at (614) 792-6506 or email us for details.

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