March 19, 2024

AAHomecare Continues Focus on Urgent National Issues: Federal Spending Package and Change Healthcare

AAHomecare Alert 3-18-24: Legislative Update: Healthcare Package Stalled

The American Association for Homecare continues to push the importance of extending Medicare 75/25 reimbursement relief on Capitol Hill as they gather intelligence on the state of continued healthcare legislative deliberations. If you haven’t reached out to your legislators yet, you can still help raise the visibility and urgency to address reimbursement rates! Please contact Sen. Sherrod Brown and Sen. JD Vance and your Representative in the US House.  You’ll find the contact information for all Ohio Congressional healthcare staff on Capitol Hill here. When you send your email, be sure to copy Kam Yuricich at and she’ll echo the “ask” on behalf of all HME providers throughout the Congressional district and state. See full Alert here with links to messaging and assistance.

Message from AAHomecare President/CEO 3-18-24: AAHomecare Outreach to Policymakers on Change Healthcare Disruption

Yesterday, Tom Ryan, AAHomecare’s President/CEO sent an email to the national association’s Board of Directors, State Leaders Council, and numerous other active Councils, to share an update on their efforts to engage with external partners and policymakers on the claims/payment disruption on HME providers due to the Change Healthcare cyberattack last month. This included the announcement of several letters that have been sent to critical decision-makers asking for expansion of Advance Payment program payments, extension of timely filing deadlines and other objectives. Letters are linked below:

OAMES appreciates AAHomecare’s continued leadership on these critical issues facing HME providers nationwide and their responsive updates to state/regional associations and members. We advise providers to continue checking AAHomecare’s Change Healthcare Disruption Resource/News page for on-going alerts and resources. 

ODM Begins Work on Next Generation MyCare Ohio

Plans Underway to Host Statewide Meetings and Release MCO 'Request for Applications'

The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) officially announced that they have begun work on the procurement of the Next Generation of MyCare Ohio. In the coming months, ODM will release a 'request for applications' for managed care plans to serve as the MyCare Ohio plans as they transition out of the Financial Alignment Initiative demonstration and move toward a Fully Integrated Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plan (FIDE SNP) model. Beginning in January of 2026, the selected FIDE SNPs will begin covering the full Medicare and Medicaid benefits for those who qualify in the current 29 demonstration counties, with statewide expansion as expeditiously as possible. 

Just as ODM did prior to the launch of the Next Generation of Medicaid managed care program, ODM will host a series of in-person meetings throughout the state with dual-eligible Ohioans as well as virtual meetings with provider stakeholders over the coming months to gather input. They are also reopening the MyCare Conversion email and inviting stakeholders to send comments and suggestions to Click here for the full ODM announcement with background information, timeline and additional details.  Watch for updates on the MyCare program in the months ahead.

CGS Administrators to Host Jurisdiction B Regional Workshops

CGS Administrators announced that they will be on the road to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Louisville next month to host in-person educational events! The DME Provider Outreach and Education team will be conducting three half-day workshops, and the topics include a comprehensive look at Medicare Updates, Journey of a Claim, and Documentation Requirements. The programs will be held in Cincinnati on April 23; Indianapolis on April 24; and Louisville on April 25! Seating is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot today!

2024 HomeCare Salary, Staffing & Benefits Survey Now Open!

HomeCare publication has launched its annual salary survey, the "2024 Salary, Staffing & Benefits Survey", and we encourage home medical equipment service providers to participate. Staffing is always at the top of the list in discussions with HME providers and this survey provides a valuable tool to help you stay competitive. We all know recruiting employees is a battle these days. But knowing where you stand in terms of salaries and benefits can help. Participation is key to creating an effective compilation of information; this can't be done without your input and the greater the participation, the more constructive the results! Please take a few minutes to fill out the HomeCare 2024 Salary Survey. The results will be compiled, and the data shared with you (anonymously, of course). As a thank you, you'll be entered in a drawing for $100 gift card if you include your contact information with the survey. The results will be shared in the May issue of HomeCare.

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