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ODM Provider Network Management Virtual Training August 1-5 for Individual & Group/Organization Providers (Includes DMEPOS)

Register Now for the Ohio Department of Medicaid's Provider Network Management (PNM) Training

In preparation for Stage 2 go-live (Oct. 1, 2022), ODM is offering a variety of training options including self-paced, virtual, and in-person training options. Absorb, the Learning Management System (LMS), is where you will access the self-paced training and sign up for the virtual and/or in-person sessions.

LMS Registration

Training sessions are scheduled to begin Aug. 1, 2022, and include DMEPOS as part of the "Individual and Group/Organization Providers" category.  It is important that you create an account in the LMS to ensure you have access to all training sessions, answer forms, and PNM resources in advance.

**Visit the Job Aid to access the LMS and follow the steps to create your account and register for training.

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