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Don’t Miss these Great Year-End HME Industry Educational Opportunities


AAHomecare – Jeff Baird, Esq. and Denise Leard, Esq., with Brown & Fortunato will present a webinar hosted by the American Association for Homecare on Dec. 13 at 2:30-3:30 Eastern titled “Six-Year Lookback Audits: How to Prepare and Respond”. The Affordable Care Act includes the 60-day overpayment rule that requires DME suppliers to refund overpayments within 60 days of identification. What many suppliers are not aware of is that if an overpayment is identified, either internally or externally, suppliers are mandated by law to perform a six-year lookback audit. If suppliers do not comply with this rule, they are at risk for false claim penalties. This program will discuss the details and provide steps to meet the rule requirements. Click here to register.

NCART – Join NCART, NRRTS, U.S. Rehab, and the Clinician Task Force as they provide the FINAL no-cost CRT Industry Webinar of 2022 on Dec. 8 at 4:00 PM Eastern. Hear the latest policy, legislative, and advocacy work impacting the CRT community and learn what they have planned for 2023. Register today!

VGM & Associates - Ronda Buhrmester, VGM & Associates Senior Director of Payer Relations and Reimbursement, will be hosting a webinar on Dec. 15 at 12-1 pm Eastern on the new Medicare oxygen policy to help HME providers prepare for the changes and offer time for questions and answers. Click on the Dec. 15 link here to register. VGM is offering the program to non-members of VGM; if you're not a VGM member, use the code R012023 to sign up.

CGS Administrators - CGS Administrators Provider Outreach and Education Event team have two important events this month:  

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