September 13 - NCART and NRRTS will host their day-long 2023 Virtual CRT Congressional Fly-In on Wednesday, September 13. Watch for more details here: NCART - Protecting & Promoting Access to Complex Rehab Technology | NCART
September 20 - AAHomecare will host their Virtual Washington Legislative Conference one week later; from 9 am - 5 pm on Wednesday, September 20. More information will be offered along with registration details in the coming weeks at this website: AAHomecare events link
If you provide HME and/or CRT services, plan to participate in these effective, online events. Advocacy helps legislators understand the challenges you face, allowing you to work together for a solution. It also allows you to make informed decisions for your company.
If you have any questions about the programs or issues, contact OAMES executive director Kam Yuricich at