The American Association for Homecare’s quarterly supplier number tracking sheet is now available with April 2023 data. AAHomecare monitors the DMEPOS industry by reviewing the list of Medicare registered suppliers. The updated tracking sheet continues to show a slight decrease in the number of locations. They estimate there are currently 8,793 traditional Medicare DMEPOS locations across the country. Their updated analysis shows about a 32% decrease in traditional DME supplier locations since 2013.
Ohio has lost eight supplier locations over the past quarter (from January to April 2023) with the total number of Ohio Medicare DME supplier locations dropping from 330 to 322. This represents a 38.9% decrease from July 2013 to April 2023; up from 37.4% last quarter.
In addition to the state-level tracking and heat-map, AAHomecare has included a line graph demonstrating the drastic decrease in the number of DMEPOS suppliers over the past several years.
State-specific results of supplier locations nationwide document can be found here.